SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab Security Advisory < 20200728-0 >  
title: Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Vulnerability  
product: Namirial SIGNificant SignAnyWhere  
vulnerable version: v6.10.60.25434 (SSP v4.22.60.25434)  
v6.10.100.25817 (SSP v4.22.100.25817)  
fixed version: v19.76.0.26030 (SSP v19.76.0.26030)  
v20.14.0.26049 (SSP v20.14.0.26049)  
CVE number: -  
impact: high  
found: 2020-04-01  
by: Philipp Espernberger (Office Linz)  
SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab  
An integrated part of SEC Consult  
Europe | Asia | North America  
Vendor description:  
"Namirial is a Trust Service Provider, focused on addressing the fast growing  
market of Digital Transaction Management (DTM), which includes legally compliant  
electronic signatures, managing and tracking documents flows, conducting secure  
transactions and ensuring secure storage of data."  
Business recommendation:  
Update to the latest version of Namirial SIGNificant SignAnyWhere.  
An in-depth security analysis performed by security professionals is highly  
advised, as the software may be affected from further security issues.  
Vulnerability overview/description:  
1. Stored Cross-Site Scripting (Authenticated access)  
Due to the lack of input validation and output sanitization, an attacker, who was  
granted access to a document that is provided by a customer via email, can inject  
malicious JavaScript code, which will be executed in the browser of a user.  
Proof of concept:  
1. Stored Cross-Site Scripting (Authenticated access)  
The following method can be used to exploit the stored cross-site scripting  
Click the link, which was sent to you via email for signing the document.  
There are 2 possibilities to inject a cross-site scripting payload:  
1: Reject the document.  
2: Delegate the document.  
The request below shows that an attacker can inject a malicious payload  
via the rejection functionality (the RejectMessage key is affected).  
POST /SawViewer/SignAnywhereServices.asmx/RejectWorkstep HTTP/1.1  
Host: $host  
{"basicParameters":{"WorkstepId":"<removed>", "GeolocationLongitude":0,"GeolocationLatitude":0,  
Using the same process an attacker can also inject a malicious payload  
via the delegation functionality (the delegationReason key is affected).  
POST /SawViewer/SignAnywhereServices.asmx/RejectWorkstep HTTP/1.1  
Host: $host  
{"basicParameters":{"WorkstepId":"<removed>", "GeolocationLongitude":0,"GeolocationLatitude":0,  
{\\\"firstName\\\":\\\"name\\\",\\\"lastName\\\":\\\"name\\\",\\\"email\\\":\\\"delegation mail\\\",  
\\\"phoneNumber\\\":\\\"phone number\\\",\\\"delegationReason\\\":\\\"<script>alert(location.origin)</script>\\\"}\"}"}  
The injected cross-site scripting payload is stored within the application and  
upon opening the document the payload will be automatically executed.  
Vulnerable / tested versions:  
The following versions of the software have been tested and found to be vulnerable:  
* Namirial SIGNificant SignAnyWhere version v6.10.60.25434 (SSP v4.22.60.25434)  
* Namirial SIGNificant SignAnyWhere version v6.10.100.25817 (SSP v4.22.100.25817)  
Previous and newer versions may also be affected.  
Vendor contact timeline:  
2020-04-03: Contacting vendor through contact form (  
2020-04-08: Response from the vendor with the contact details.  
2020-04-10: Contact person requests to obtain advisory via Support Platform (Upload Report).  
2020-04-10: Advisory uploaded to vendor.  
2020-05-26: Vendor released updated versions (19.76 and 20.14 )  
2020-06-18: Testing patched version (v19.76.0.26030)  
2020-07-28: Coordinated release of security advisory  
Upgrade Namirial SIGNificant SignAnyWhere to version v19.76.0.26030 (SSP v19.76.0.26030) or  
Upgrade Namirial SIGNificant SignAnyWhere to version v20.14.0.26049 (SSP v20.14.0.26049)  
Advisory URL:  
SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab  
SEC Consult  
Europe | Asia | North America  
About SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab  
The SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab is an integrated part of SEC Consult. It  
ensures the continued knowledge gain of SEC Consult in the field of network  
and application security to stay ahead of the attacker. The SEC Consult  
Vulnerability Lab supports high-quality penetration testing and the evaluation  
of new offensive and defensive technologies for our customers. Hence our  
customers obtain the most current information about vulnerabilities and valid  
recommendation about the risk profile of new technologies.  
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Mail: research at sec-consult dot com  
EOF P. Espernberger / @2020