SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab Security Advisory < 20200807-0 >  
title: Multiple Vulnerabilities  
product: flatCore CMS  
vulnerable version: <=1.5.5  
fixed version: 1.5.7  
CVE number: -  
impact: High  
found: 2020-03-28  
by: Farhan Rahman (Office Malaysia)  
Azrul Ikhwan Zulkifli (Office Malaysia)  
SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab  
An integrated part of SEC Consult  
Europe | Asia | North America  
Vendor description:  
"flatCore is based on PHP and PDO/SQLite. The Core is as  
minimalistic as possible, but can be easily extended by  
the modular structure. If you are looking for a solution  
to edit your website live and with ease, flatCore may be  
your buddy."  
Business recommendation:  
Update to the latest version of flatCore CMS.  
An in-depth security analysis performed by security professionals is highly  
advised, as the software may be affected from further security issues.  
Vulnerability overview/description:  
1. Stored Cross Site Scripting (Authenticated user)  
This vulnerability allows an authenticated user (admin) to inject a malicious  
client side script which will be executed in the browser of a user if he  
visits the manipulated URL.  
In this case, the payload will be executed when the user visits any page that  
contains the injected malicious client side script.  
2. Upload of arbitrary files (Authenticated user)  
It was identified that an authenticated user (admin) has the possibility to  
upload malicious files without any restriction. In this specific case,  
arbitrary server side PHP code such as web shells can be uploaded. As a result  
the attacker can run arbitrary code on the server side with the privileges of  
the web server. This could lead to a full system compromise.  
Proof of concept:  
1. Stored Cross Site Scripting (Authenticated user)  
The following parameters have been found to be vulnerable to  
stored cross site scripting attacks.  
URL : http://$DOMAIN/acp/acp.php?tn=pages&sub=edit&editpage=1  
PARAMETER : page_linkname, page_title, page_content, page_extracontent  
PAYLOAD : aaaa%3Cscript%3Ealert%28document.cookie%29%3C%2Fscript%3E  
Go to http://$DOMAIN/ , and the XSS will be executed.  
URL : http://$DOMAIN/acp/acp.php?tn=system&sub=sys_pref  
PARAMETER : prefs_pagename, prefs_pagetitle, prefs_pagesubtitle  
PAYLOAD : aaaa%3Cscript%3Ealert%28document.cookie%29%3C%2Fscript%3E  
Go to http://$DOMAIN/ , and the XSS will be executed.  
2. Upload of arbitrary files (Authenticated user)  
Go to Upload Files > Choose destination > files.  
Upload a desired PHP web shell as the shell.php file.  
Once uploaded, to execute the webshell, go to  
Vulnerable / tested versions:  
flatCore CMS version 1.5.5 has been tested, which was the latest version  
available at the time of the test. Previous versions may also be affected.  
Vendor contact timeline:  
2020-04-02: Contacting vendor through  
2020-04-28: Vendor developer asked for details. Sending details.  
2020-06-02: Follow-up with vendor; no response.  
2020-06-08: Follow-up with vendor; no response.  
2020-06-10: Vendor requested to give them some times to patch  
the vulnerabilities.  
2020-07-10: Follow-up with vendor; no response.  
2020-07-22: Vendor fixed the reported issues, and release the new version  
(1.5.7) at their website.  
2020-08-07: Public release of security advisory  
The fixed version 1.5.7 is available at the vendor's download section:  
Advisory URL:  
SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab  
SEC Consult  
Europe | Asia | North America  
About SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab  
The SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab is an integrated part of SEC Consult. It  
ensures the continued knowledge gain of SEC Consult in the field of network  
and application security to stay ahead of the attacker. The SEC Consult  
Vulnerability Lab supports high-quality penetration testing and the evaluation  
of new offensive and defensive technologies for our customers. Hence our  
customers obtain the most current information about vulnerabilities and valid  
recommendation about the risk profile of new technologies.  
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Mail: research at sec-consult dot com  
EOF F. Rahman, A. Zulkifli / @2020