Subject: Local Privilege Escalation  
Product: SUPREMO by Nanosystems S.r.l.  
Vendor Homepage:  
Vendor Status: fixed version released  
Vulnerable Version: (No other version was tested, but it is  
believed for the older versions to be also vulnerable.)  
Fixed Version:  
CVE Number: CVE-2020-25106  
Authors: Victor Gil (A2SECURE) Adan Alvarez (A2SECURE)  
Vulnerability Description  
Allows attackers to obtain LocalSystem access because when running as a  
service File Manager allows modifying files with system privileges. This  
can be used by an adversary to, for example, rename Supremo.exe and then  
upload a trojan horse with the Supremo.exe filename.  
Proof of Concept  
To exploit this vulnerability Supremo should be running as a service. Then  
follow the following steps:  
- Connect to Supremo from a different machine.  
- Open File manager.  
- Go to the directory where the Supremo executable is located.  
- Modify the name of the executable.  
- Upload a malicious executable and rename it to Supremo.exe  
- Close supremo.  
After these steps, as supremo is running as a service, the service  
executes, as System, the executable allowing an attacker to elevate  
privileges to System.  
The vendor provides an updated version (  
2020-07-13 Disclosed to Vendor  
2020-10-19 Vendor releases the final patch  
2020-12-21 Advisory released  
*Adan 脕lvarez*  
Security Consultant  
+34 933 945 600  
QSA auditors - Pentesting - Security Consultancy - Forensic   
Analysis - PCI Consultancy - Malware Analysis - Incident Response -   
Security Office - Security Training - Employee Security Awareness  
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