# Exploit Title: Dental Clinic Appointment Reservation System 1.0 - 'Firstname' Persistent Cross Site Scripting (Authenticated)  
# Date: 14-05-2021  
# Exploit Author: Reza Afsahi  
# Vendor Homepage:  
# Software Link:  
# Version: 1.0  
# Tested on: Linux parrot  
# --- Description --- #  
# The web application allows member to inject persistent Cross-Site-Scripting payload which will be executed in both member and Admin panel   
# --- Proof of concept --- #  
1- Create account and login as member and go to: http://localhost/APR/edit_info.php  
2- Inject this payload into Firstname input : <script>alert(document.cookie)</script>  
4- and fill other inputs as you want (Other inputs might be vulnerable as well) then click on Update button.  
5- refresh the page and Xss popup will be triggered.  
6- Now if Admin visit this page in his/her Dashboard : http://localhost/APR/admin/members.php  
7- Our Xss payload will be executed on Admin Browser  
** Attacker can use this vulnerability to take over Admin account **