# Exploit Title: RATES SYSTEM 1.0 - Authentication Bypass  
# Date: 2020-08-13  
# Exploit Author: Azumah Foresight Xorlali (M4sk0ff)  
# Vendor Homepage:  
# Software Link:  
# Version: Version 1.0  
# Category: Web Application  
# Tested on: Kali Linux  
Description: The authentication bypass vulnerability on the application allows an attacker to log in as Client. This vulnerability affects the "username" parameter on the client login page: http://localhost/rates/login.php  
Step 1: On the login page, simply use the query inside the bracket ( ' OR 1 -- - ) as username  
Step 2: On the login page, use same query{ ' OR 1 -- -} or anything as password  
All set you should be logged in as Client.