[+] CVE : CVE-2023-46383, CVE-2023-46384, CVE-2023-46385   
[+] Title : Multiple vulnerabilities in Loytec LINX Configurator   
[+] Vendor : LOYTEC electronics GmbH  
[+] Affected Product(s) : LINX Configurator 7.4.10  
[+] Affected Components : LINX Configurator  
[+] Discovery Date : 01-Sep-2021  
[+] Publication date : 03-Nov-2023  
[+] Discovered by : Chizuru Toyama of TXOne networks  
[Vulnerability Description]  
CVE-2023-46383 : Insecure Permissions  
Loytec LINX Configurator could be connected to Loytec devices with  
an administrator credential, and it could configure device settings.   
Since it uses HTTP Basic Authentication, which transmits usernames   
and passwords in base64-encoded cleartext, so anyone could easily  
steal credentials if they sniff network traffics. Once obtaining the  
admin password, attackers could connect and control Loytec devices   
via LINX configurator.  
CVE-2023-46384 : Insecure Permissions   
Following registry key contains hard-coded clear text admin password   
for recently connected Loytec device. (password cache) If an attacker   
succeeds in getting this registry key value, attackers could connect   
and control Loytec devices via LINX configurator.  
Value name: ftp_pass  
Value dada: <admin password>  
CVE-2023-46385 : Insecure Permissions  
When Loytec LINX Configurator connects to a device, it sends HTTP GET   
request to login. Since cleartext password is passed as an URL parameter,   
"password" without sufficient protection, anyone could easily steal   
credentials if they sniff network traffics. Once obtaining the admin   
password, attackers could connect and control Loytec devices via LINX   
http://<IP>:<port>/webui/config/system?username=admin&password=<admin password>&login=Login  
01-Sep-2021 : Vulnerabilities discovered  
13-Oct-2021 : Trend Micro ZDI (Zero Day Initiative) reported to vendor (no response)  
07-Oct-2022 : ICS CERT reported to vendor (no response)  
03-Nov-2023 : Public Disclosure